A business wargame permits organizations to test their beliefs and assumptions about their business environment. The process allows organizations to build a better understanding of industry issues and helps them identify emerging opportunities and threats.

A wargame is a tool that is of particular use when the competitive environment is undergoing a process of change, as it helps decision-makers consider how different organizations can react to the change, and each other. Its objective should be to improve corporate planning processes, and use the lessons learned from the wargame in business strategy. Wargames usually involve several teams, each representing different players operating in the industry environment. Typically, but depending on the actual purpose and scope of the game, these teams represent different competitors. They can also include key customers, or other organizations such as regulatory bodies.


  1. a full understanding of the current situation, opportunities, threats and issues that may arise in the short-medium terms
  2. recommendations and suggestions for future actions – with these being tested during the game
  3. the identification of corporate blind-spots – in both the organization playing the game, and those being examined: this can lead to the identification of particular vulnerabilities and proactive strategies that can protect or take advantage of the weaknesses
  4. the identification of missing intelligence on the market and business environment
  5. improved teamwork and understanding between decision-makers in different functional areas
  6. anticipation and awareness of how the market may change over the short-medium term – which can lead to major cost savings, through better planned responses to both threats and emerging opportunities
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