Redirecting to Points of You® Certifications…
Leading Results through People
(For New Managers)
WHERE: Paradiso B, Henry Sy Sr. Hall, Assumption College, San Lorenzo Village, Makati City
WHAT TIME: 1:00 – 5:00 pm
WHEN (Choose from any of the dates): April 11 (Registration Closed) | July 11 (Registration Closed) | Oct 10 (Registration Closed)
*Workshop schedules may be subject to change. We reserve the right to modify dates, times, and venues. Participants will be informed of any changes via email and official channels. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Thank you.
- Develop personal and professional goals using SMARTER framework.
- Apply prioritization techniques for improved productivity.
- Learn how to delegate effectively.
- Deliver feedback that motivates for continuous improvement
- Goal Setting and Prioritization
- Levels of Delegation
- Performance Management
Facilitated by:
(April 11)
Stephanie Escareal
Life Coach
Certified Points of You® Expert
(July 11)
Vives Reyes
Certified Coach
People & Organization Development Professional
Certified Points of You® Explorer
(October 10)
Lei Lava
Transformative and Somatic Coach
WIAL Certified Action Learning Coach
TRE Certified Provider