Blended Learning Workshops

At the end of the Workshop, participants should be able to:

♦ Have deeper self-awareness and allow leaders to realize their strengths and areas for growth;

♦ Set personal and professional goals, be self-motivated to take purposeful action, build capacity to develop themselves and develop autonomy;

♦ Apply and live out leadership concepts to become more effective and successful leaders in the organization.

Understanding the Leader In You

♦ Leading with Intention

♦ Live with Intention: Identify Your Values, Act with Intention, Optimize Your Partnerships

♦ Leader’s Life Wheel

Agile Leadership: Growth Agility

♦ Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

♦ Impact of Growth Mindset on Leaders

Agile Leadership: Creative Agility

♦ Foundation of Creative Agility

♦ My Creative Type

♦ Creativity in the Business

♦ Why Do We Need to Be More Creative?

♦ Toolkit #1: Think Like

♦ Toolkit #2: S.C.A.M.P.E.R.

Agile Leadership: Emotional Agility

♦ Foundation of Emotional Agility

♦ 3 Steps to Strengthen Emotional Agility

♦ The Wisdom of Emotions

♦ 8 Basic Emotions & Their Purpose

♦ Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions 

♦ Value of Naming Your Emotions

Psychological Safety

♦ Leader’s Role In Psychological Safety 

♦ Value of Psychological Safety in Teams and Organizations 

♦ 4 Stages of Psychological Safety

♦ Communicating With Candor 

♦ How To Create a Culture of Candor in the Workplace 

The Live Workshop will be conducted for 2 Whole Days (8 hours each), and the asynchronous LXP Materials will be accessible for 1 month from the 1st Day of the Live Workshop.

This Workshop is conducted for groups or organizations. Contact us at to book a workshop. 

Strengthen your management skills and further advance your leadership capabilities with this 18-hour blended learning program. This MDP offers your leaders deeper self-awareness, gain new perspective on one’s strengths, and enhance critical skills needed to be a better leader.

Participants will journey through 4 areas that are essential in managing and leading a team using the C.A.R.E. framework. Various models will be applied in actual cases of your organization for immediate impact.

The MDP and Communication Programs are anchored on TetraMap®. We believe that a common language and culture are needed for a strong leadership team and TetraMap® provides this framework.


♦ Effective Planning

♦ Objective Setting

♦ S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals and Stretch Objectives

♦ Activities vs. Results


♦ Productivity Wheel

♦ Priority Matrix

♦ Levels of Delegation


♦ The TetraMap® Behavioral Assessment Tool

♦ Why are You Like That? : The Nature of Behavior

♦ TetraMap® of Leadership (Application at Work)


♦ Giving and Receiving Feedback

♦ AIA and AVIA Model

♦ G.R.O.W. Model

Developed in New Zealand and used all over the world, TetraMap® is a tool that uses the 4 elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire in order to understand the 4 major categories of Communication Styles and Behavioral Preferences. Just as nature uses the 4 elements to create life, TetraMap® uses our diverse natures to create harmony and synergy within teams and organizations. It starts with an awareness of your own natural element and extends to an ability to harmonize with other elements.

The TetraMap® Learning Model is the next generation in behavioral systems and developmental learning. This refreshing and inspiring model helps accelerate positive culture change and facilitate transformation for individuals, teams and organizations.


“Why are you like that?” TetraMap® is used as a model for understanding human behavior and flexing to each other’s preferences. TetraMap® thus helps people to reduce conflict, communicate and coach better, and strengthen relationships. It addresses how we prefer to be approached, how we are inclined to behave, and how it may be different from the way others naturally behave and communicate.

The Live Workshop will be conducted for 5 Half Days, and the asynchronous LXP Materials will be accessible for 1 month from the 1st Day of the Live Workshop.

This Workshop is conducted for groups or organizations. Contact us at to book a workshop. 

As a supervisor, you need to get the best performance from your team. To be a highly effective supervisor, key skills are required in order to succeed as a leader and most of these require managing people.

In this workshop, participants will deep dive into concepts such as leading people and teams in different stages of team development and how to transition effectively; managing conflict, coaching, and developing others; and, building confidence in the team, inspiring and influencing them to grow through coaching and mentoring.

Bruce Tuckman’s 5 Stages of Development

The Leader That I Am

♦ Personal and Professional Circles Leadership

♦ 4 Stages of Psychological Safety

♦ 4 Elements of Trust

♦ The Power Trust 

Five Dysfunctions of a Team

♦ Team Success Factors: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, Results

Generational Differences

♦ Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials

Conflict Styles and Resolution

♦ 2 Kinds

♦ Conflict Styles (Thomas-Kilmann)

Effective Communication in Strengthening the Team

♦ Active Listening

♦ Giving Feedback

♦ Johari Window

♦ How to Solicit and Receive Feedback

Coaching and Mentoring

♦ Why Leaders Need Coaching Skills

♦ Asking Questions

♦ G.R.O.W. Coaching Model

Managing My Team

♦ Managing A Diverse Team

♦ How to Delegate and Empower

♦ Managing and Identifying Talent Development Needs

♦ Performance Management Process

♦ 5 Key Principles

The Live Workshop will be conducted for 4 Half Days (3 hours each), and the asynchronous LXP Materials will be accessible for 1 month from the 1st Day of the Live Workshop.

This Workshop is conducted for groups or organizations. Contact us at to book a workshop. 

Use creative problem-solving approaches to generate new ideas, offer fresh solutions, find different perspectives to overcome obstacles and reach your individual, team and organization’s goals. We encourage participants to develop “divergent” and “convergent” thinking and learn how to balance this.

In this workshop, participants will apply a wide range of tools and techniques at different levels e.g. personal and professional. Actual company scenarios or cases will be used for real-world application. A Final Project will be the output of the participants which may be pre-identified by Human Resources or the Department Heads.

What is CPSDM?

♦ What is Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making (CPSDM)?

♦ The Process of CPSDM

What is a Problem?

♦ Technical vs. Adaptive

Tools for Creativity

♦ 6 Thinking Hats

♦ Mind-Mapping

Tools for PSDM

♦ Pareto Principle

♦ 5 Whys

♦ Decision Matrix

Individual vs. Group Decision Making

♦ Individual Decision-Making Styles

♦ Cognitive Bias Survival Guide

♦ Group Decision-Making Styles

The Locus & Scope of Control

♦ Internal & External Locus of Control 

♦ Growth Mindset

♦ Creativity Killers

Action Planning

The Live Workshop will be conducted for 4 Half Days (3 hours each), and the asynchronous LXP Materials will be accessible for 1 month from the 1st Day of the Live Workshop.

This Workshop is conducted for groups or organizations. Contact us at to book a workshop. 

Business Communication for Success Series

Today’s leaders must have strong business communication skills to meet the various challenges of their day-to-day work. Our Business Communication for Success (BCS) Program is designed to help participants become confident, polished, and effective in their oral and written communication.

At the end of the Workshop, participants should be able to:

♦ Learn the foundation of effective business communication;

♦ Gain confidence by equipping oneself with critical communication skills necessary in building rapport and connection;

♦ Identify and address areas that hinder us in communicating effectively;

♦ Proactively address various challenges by applying practical skills, tips, techniques and methodologies in effective business communication.

The Live Workshop will be conducted for 4 Half Days, and the asynchronous LXP Materials will be accessible for 1 month from the 1st Day of the Live Workshop.

This Workshop is conducted for groups or organizations. Contact us at to book a workshop. 

At the end of the Workshop, participants should be able to:

♦ Learn the foundation of effective business writing principles, framework and guidelines;

♦ Identify strengths and areas for improvement in effective business writing;

♦ Equip oneself with effective writing skills critical at work;

♦ Apply critical writing standards, skills, tips and techniques in effective business writing.


♦ Correct Grammar

♦ Correct Spelling, use of words

♦ Proper sentence structure

♦ Plain language


♦ Simple Writing Outline

♦ Active vs. Passive Voice

♦ QT3K for Writer’s Block


♦ Eliminate wordiness & redundancy

♦ Composition based on S.E.A. & B.E.B.E.

♦ P.O.W.E.R. Writing Process (P & O)


♦ P.O.W.E.R. Writing Process (W, E, R)

♦ 4 Ps (Positive, Professional, Personal, Pro-Customer)

The Live Workshop will be conducted for 4 Half Days, and the asynchronous LXP Materials will be accessible for 1 month from the 1st Day of the Live Workshop.

This Workshop is conducted for groups or organizations. Contact us at to book a workshop.